Introducing the Protection Pendant Metatron
Discover our iconic pendant necklace featuring one of the most widely used sacred geometric patterns for spiritual awakening and protection against negative energies, the Metatron pendant. This piece is the perfect choice for a special gift or for treating yourself.
A Headline on the Marketing Point of Protection Pendant Metatron
Wear a symbol of strength and protection. This unique necklace combines the power of the merkabah, the five Platonic solids, and the sacred forms of the Flower of Life into a powerful and elegant pendant necklace. The cube of Metatron has a deep meaning and is spiritually very potent. Wearing it daily can bring many benefits to your well-being.
A Headline on a Technical Point of Protection Pendant Metatron
Our pendant necklace is made of high-quality stainless steel that is plated with gold or silver. The pendant is approximately 2cm in diameter and is attached to an adjustable chain that can be easily adjusted from 45cm to 50cm in length.
Technical Specifications of the Protection Pendant Metatron
- High-quality stainless steel with gold or silver plating
- Premium quality
- Pendant diameter: approximately 2cm
- Adjustable chain length: 45cm – 50cm
- Includes a detailed manual with instructions
Experience the power of sacred geometry with the Protection Pendant Metatron. This pendant combines the symbolic power of the merkabah, the five Platonic solids, and the sacred forms of the Flower of Life. By wearing this elegant and stylish pendant, you can experience the benefits of these powerful symbols on a daily basis and protect yourself from negative energies. Get your Protection Pendant Metatron today and start enjoying the benefits of sacred geometry!